Banquet Committee:   Kendra Larson and Carole Biernat, Co-Chairs
                                 Hilary Moineken
Captains Barbeque Committee:  Jeff and Kendra Larson, Chair  (need additional parent to chair)
Snack Committee:     Barin Pal, Chair, Varsity team
Gerten's Fundraiser Committee:  Nancy Haugdahl, Chair
Poster  Committee:  Diane Kline, Chair
Parent/Player Tournament Committee:  Kelly Soltis and Sanjay Khestraapal?, Chairs
Applebees Breakfast Fundraiser Committee:  Kendra Larson, Chair  (need additional volunteer chair)
Transportation Committee:  Need chair for JV and 10A
Pictures and  Slideshow for Banquet: 
Varsity Parent:  Carole Biernat
JV/10A:  Hilary Moineken (Need parent to take pictures for both teams)
Players please refer to www.northern.usta.com for access to tournament and section information