Final Project

Picture made by: Chris George


Your assignment is to take what you’ve learned this quarter and apply it to one final project (or more if time allows). You may make any type of picture you choose, but be creative. Use as many layers, channels or masks as you need and make your project complex.

You may choose to do a bus panel project (follow the instructions of the packet). You may also choose to do a completely original project to submit to Voices. You may also choose to do a regular sized image like the examples on the wall.

Most importantly, take the time to try different filters and tools to alter your images.

The one requirement for this assignment is you must include text somewhere in your picture. Use multiple layers of text and try different filters and tools to alter it.


You will be graded on your creativity, the complexity of the project, the appearance of your text and the overall appearance of your finished product.

You must do a one page, typed response that explains the steps you did to create your project. Both the assignment and the write up are due at the beginning of the hour. This assignment is due on Thursday, November __ and is worth 40 points. Remember that any late assignment is worth half credit.