Team TriBolt Technology
9th graders in Team TriBolt will be introduced to and be able to perform the following technology skills:
Initial Computer Procedures
1. Log-on using user name and password
2. Create 3 folders in student computer locker (English, Science, Government)
3. Log-off using Start button
1. Search the internet using a variety of search engines
2. Print
3. Save graphics, text, sounds to computer locker
4. Understand and utilize as a search tool
Microsoft Word
1. Word process (fonts, underline, margins, tabs, spacing)
2. Use clip art / Word art
3. Insert, resize, and move graphics
4. Wrap text around pictures
5. Create a resume
6. Create a brochure
Microsoft Excel
1. Create a variety of spreadsheets and tables using relevant information from a variety of sources
2. Create and print graphs and charts
Microsoft PowerPoint
1. Create a slideshow presentation
2. Insert graphics and clip art
3. Insert sound files
4. Scan, save, and insert scanned graphics