The various literary elements that authors use are discussed during the unit on Short Stories. The students will read a variety of stories including: "The Sniper", "The Most Dangerous Game", "The Birds", and the Scarlet Ibis. For enrichment the students may elect to read "Venom." The students will be asked to pick one of the short stories and to write a critical review of that story.

The Sniper

This story is set in Dublin, Ireland, in the 1920's. During that time a civil war was taking place in Ireland. On one side were the Republicans; they wanted all of Ireland to become a republic, totally free from British rule. On the others side were the Free Staters; they had compromised with Britain and had agreed to allow the English to continue to rule six counties in the northern province of Ulster. Like all civil wars, this one tore families apart. It pitted children against parents, sister against sister, brother against brother. 

The Most Dangerous Game

The most basic kind of conflict in storytelling pits one person against someone or something else. In "The Most Dangerous Game" a jaguar hunting expedition to Rio turns, with a man falling aboard, into the competition of a lifetime. Rainsford, the main character, must survive the most severe mental and physical struggles or face death.

The Scarlet Ibis

Some people say "The Scarlet Ibis" is a story they will never forget. The story is set in the American south. Its climax takes place in 1918, the year World War I ended in Europe. The reader will find references in the story to battles being fought in parts of the world far from this peaceful Southern setting, but the story is not about the wider war. It is about a small but still tragic struggle that takes place between two younger brothers.

The Birds

Human beings have an uneasy relationship with nature. Nature has two faces: We see it as a source of beauty and peace, but we fear its sudden random violence. Extreme weather (hurricanes, droughts, blizzards), volcanoes, earthquakes, even the attack of tiny creatures (Ticks, killer bees, spiders) or viruses can threaten our life on earth. Perhaps this is why, since ancient times, stories have been told about people who find themselves face to face with the dangerous side of nature. In many of these stories, a natural catastrophe threatens to wipe out all evidence of human life on this planet. Such stories reflect our deepest fears and perhaps for this reason they are, even today, enormously popular.

Student Requirements:

  1. Read each of the short stories

  2. Discuss each short story as a class or in small groups

  3. Define the various elements of literature (setting, climax, symbol, etc.)

  4. Write two summary/critical reviews

  5. Complete a diagram (drawing and labeling) test covering "The Most Dangerous Game"

  6. Pretend that the video "Rudy" is a fictional story and identify the major elements of literature that occur in the movie.

Student Learnings

  1. Use elements of literature, other literature devices and personal experiences to analyze literature

  2. Understand distinguishing characteristics among various genres (short stories)

  3. Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of effective group process

  4. Compare, contrast and analyze visual and print presentation of literature.